

The latest consumer electronics, from smart home devices to cool gadgets that are bound to be industry-changing.

lifi with video wireless

LiFi specification released, enabling wide adoption of light-based wireless internet

Secure wireless speeds of up to 224GB/s through LED lights, cutting down on spectrum congestion
Why it matters: Multiple companies have been developing Light Fidelity technology or LiFi for years, but the IEEE recently cleared a significant stepping stone toward standardization. The wireless communication format won't replace WiFi or 5G but has clear advantages that could make it useful in specific settings.
silicon-perovskite solar power solar cells

Silicon-perovskite solar cells are on the verge of revolutionizing power generation efficiency

Forward-looking: Traditional solar power cells are based on a silicon semiconductor compound, which is known to have a theoretical maximum efficiency of 29 percent in converting sunlight into electric energy. However, by incorporating a second perovskite layer onto the base silicon layer, solar cells have the potential to surpass this efficiency threshold in the near future.
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